"Sometimes while I'm talking to God, He'll show me something about myself in such a way that I have to laugh at my own humanity and how funny I must look to Him." - Donna

Donna...just found your blog...I absolutely love it! And I love your singing! I'm at work right now and it was just exactly what I needed to hear to help me make it through tonight! Thanks for your ministry here!
- Robert

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Teaching Moment: Why Jesus?

Over a century ago, there was one man who began to speak of the “virtues” of Hinduism in the United States. As the decades rolled by, more gurus came and developed huge followings. Today, interest in eastern ideas in western culture seems to be at an all time high. Is Jesus still the answer even in this climate? Find out this week on Let My People Think as Ravi Zacharias discusses his book, Why Jesus?

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